Visual studio code debug vbscript
Visual studio code debug vbscript

It will instead continue to the relevant catch clause. When a First Chance Exception is thrown, the execution will not terminate. In this case the exception is handled, just not in user code. In ASP.NET, an unhandled exception in a thread within a request context will not crash the process.When an exception is thrown from a Task created with Task.Run() or it will not crash the process.You can configure the application to the older behavior (that is, not to terminate) with some code in configuration file (not recommended). An unhandled exception in a thread-pool thread will not crash the process. NET 1.0 and 1.1 applications this behavior is different. When an exception is thrown in the Main thread (In a Console Application or a Desktop Application), from a thread created with new Thread() or from a thread-pool thread created with ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem, it will crash the process.

visual studio code debug vbscript visual studio code debug vbscript

When a Second Chance Exception is thrown, it usually terminates the entire process, depending on some rules:

visual studio code debug vbscript

What happens when an Exception is Thrown? If not found, it’s considered an Unhandled Exception or Second Chance Exception. If not found, it looks for catch in the calling method and goes on all the way up to the “root” method. That means the runtime looks for a catch statement in the current method first. When an exception is thrown, the stack unwinds until a handler is found. Caught exceptions are called First Chance Exceptions or Handled Exceptions. This includes exceptions thrown in inner methods called from the try statement. If an exception is thrown within the try statement, the execution will naturally continue to the catch statement. It’s done by using the try-catch clause as follows: try

visual studio code debug vbscript

But we can handle exceptions and it’s actually standard practice in. In the above case, the exception is not handled and will crash the process. Here’s how it looks like during debugging: In this case, it’s an IndexOutOfRangeException. Since -1 is an illegal index, the runtime tells us there’s an error by throwing an exception. This tries to access item -1 in an array. When Foo() is called, it invokes GetItem(-1).

Visual studio code debug vbscript